Poor, in debt, and living on instant noodles, high school kendo instructor Kojiro makes a bet with an old friend on a practice meet between the all-girls' teams
With their new goal in mind, the practice meet between Muroe and Seimei High begins. As Muroe is still short a member, the girls manage to persuade Azuma to par
The Muroe High kendo team is finally stepping up their game when their regularly scheduled training routine is interrupted by...TV cameras?! Thanks to Miya-Miya
The girls' kendo meet continues with one victory on the board for Muroe High. Despite her inexperience, Miya's ferocious shinai is a force to be reckoned with,
Kojiro and his senpai have made another bet, but this time there's more than sushi up for grabs. In addition to having their girls' kendo teams duke it out, Koj