A wealth of restoration tips and techniques covering E12, E24, E28, E34, 5 and 6 Series BMWs built between 1972 and 1995. Covers all models from 518 to M6. Advi
A practical restoration manual on the E36, the 3 Series BMWs built between 1990 & 1999. Covers all models from the 316 compact to the M3. Advice is given on acq
A practical restoration manual written by journalist and E30 enthusiast Andrew Everett. Covers E30 models: 316, 316i, 318i, 320i, 323i, 325i, 325e, 324d and 324
Gold Portfolio signifies a premium edition in the Brooklands series. Packed with even more articles, photos, technical information, road tests, buying informati
This book gives readers information on road and comparison tests, specifications, history, performance and technical data, racing and driving, and long term rep