Miss Kobayashi lives in an ordinary apartment, along with her new maid, Tohru...a dragon girl! Tohru despises all humans except for Miss Kobayashi, who she ador
After leaving her otherworldly home in search of her fellow dragon, Tohru, young Kanna found herself unofficially adopted by Tohru and her human companion, Miss
Swamped with work and surrounded by dragons, the normally unshakable Miss Kobayashi begins to hear a strange voice. Meanwhile, a mysterious "inverted scale" is
From housekeeping to Comiket to a trip to the beach, Dragon Maid Tohru is read to help out her beloved Miss Kobayashi with all of her supernatural strength! Toh
Tohru the dragon has gotten very comfortable in her role as Miss Kobayashi's maid. But when Elma--the new dragon in town-- enters the picture, Tohru's jealousy