OPUS POSTSCRIPTUM differs from John O'Loughlin's official written oeuvre in that it is comprised of revised and reformatted weblogs from the author's site at sp
These two 'posthumous' publications to John O'Loughlin's oeuvre-proper were culled, like the material of 'Opus Postscriptum', from two of his blogsites and cont
This quartet of books of aphoristic philosophy with a Social Theocratic dimension is comprised of 'Yang and Anti-Yin', 'Lamb and Anti-Lion', 'Celestial City and
The Routledge Dictionary of Cultural References in Modern French reveals the hidden cultural dimension of contemporary French, as used in the press, going beyon
rossing linguistic and historical boundaries, Patricia Dailey connects the embodied poetics of Hadewijch of Brabant's visions, writings, and letters to the work