‘Pralay’ leads to the destruction of all life forms and the complete knowledge on Earth. To re-establish life and the lost knowledge in the form of Vedas, t
This book is about the Vansh (lineage) of Saptrishis and the creation of the Universe. The author has explained the concept of Manvantar/Kalp and all the Yugas.
Do you also have questions in your mind on seeing things that why is it like this? And then you start weaving a story in your mind that what if this happens? �
A complete introduction to Sanatana Dharma, the spiritual science of the Hindu sages • Examines how many core concepts of Hinduism, including Brahman, Atman,
Self Management: The Path to True Self Mastery" is a unique and inspiring book that takes you into the depths of self management. This book is a relevant and au