While Hinohara battles Yataka, he learns that Yataka harbors a deep hatred for Princess Kikuri. As Yataka’s memories flood Hinohara’s mind, the true reason
Arata Hinohara’s greatest foes, the Six Sho, have challenged him at every step on his quest. This has now led to a potentially deadly confrontation between on
Arata Hinohara has so far emerged triumphant from his encounters with those who would stop him in his journey, but now he must face Ikisu, an enemy who wields p
On the exile island of Muroya, Hinohara learns of a terrible incident that occurred there over half a century ago and now threatens to occur again! His weapon,
While on a mission disguised as a girl, Hinohara becomes utterly dismayed when Shinsho Kugura takes a liking to him. Meanwhile, Hinohara’s rival Kadowaki show