Over the last fifty years, Lutherans and Roman Catholics have engaged in profound theological dialogue leading to increasingly close ties between two church bod
[Vom Konflikt zur Gemeinschaft. Erweitert um den Ökumenischen Gottesdienst zum gemeinsamen Reformationsgedenken 2017] Im Jahr 2017 werden Katholiken und Luther
In this broken world, community is rare. Sadly, this is sometimes true even in the church. Conflict confronts us in just about every corner of our lives -- from
Conflict abounds in the church of Jesus Christ. Reconciliation within the body, however, will not happen with the right 'method' or 'set of principles.' In Maki
You love your work. You love the people--most of the time. They respect you, most of the time. You work together with colleagues, staff, and laity, with energy