Frank Derrick is eighty-one. And he's just been run over by a milk float. It was tough enough to fill the hours of the day when he was active. But now he's brok
"Kelly Christmas made Frank feel like getting out of bed in the morning. She was like a replacement hip. His half an Aspirin a day. She was his stair lift and h
Frank Derrick is 81 ... and he's just been run over by a milk float. It was tough enough to fill the hours of the day when he was active, but now he's broken hi
Carter USM were a duo, trio and eventually sextet formed by South London friends Jim Morrison (aka Jim Bob) and Les Carter (aka Fruitbat), who made their name w
Following the success of his 2019 memoir Jim Bob From Carter - In the Shadow of my Former Self, Cherry Red Books are delighted to publish A Godawful Small Affai