Beta-Lactams: Advances in Research and Application: 2011 Edition is a ScholarlyBrief™ that delivers timely, authoritative, comprehensive, and specialized info
Advances in Streptomycetaceae Research and Application: 2013 Edition is a ScholarlyBrief™ that delivers timely, authoritative, comprehensive, and specialized
Carbapenems—Advances in Research and Application: 2012 Edition is a ScholarlyPaper™ that delivers timely, authoritative, and intensively focused information
Burton's Microbiology for the Health Sciences, 10e, has a clear and friendly writing style that emphasizes the relevance of microbiology to a career in the heal
How does a bacterial cell grow during the division cycle? This question is answered by the codeveloper of the Cooper-Helmstetter model of DNA replication. In a